by Owen Mar 18,2025
News broke recently about the cancellation of an upcoming Horizon MMORPG, codenamed "H," following the departure of several key developers from NCSoft. আসুন বিশদ বিবরণ দেওয়া যাক।
According to a January 13, 2025 report from South Korean news outlet MTN, NCSoft—the renowned developer and publisher behind the Lineage and Guild Wars franchises—canceled several projects, including the anticipated Horizon MMORPG. This decision stems from an internal "feasibility review," which also reportedly led to the cancellation of a project codenamed "J," while another, "Pantera" (or "Raising Lineage"), remains under evaluation.
The MTN report further indicates that developers directly involved with "Project H" left NCSoft. বাকি দলের সদস্যদের অন্যান্য সংস্থা প্রকল্পগুলিতে পুনরায় নিয়োগ দেওয়া হয়েছে বলে জানা গেছে। The removal of "H" and "J" from NCSoft's organizational chart serves as further confirmation of their cancellation. While Sony and NCSoft haven't yet issued official statements, the future of "Project H" remains uncertain, with the possibility of another publisher or development team picking up the project's remnants.
Despite this setback, the Horizon universe isn't devoid of online ambitions.
Guerrilla Games, the studio behind the main Horizon series, confirmed its work on a separate online project within the Horizon universe in a December 16, 2022 Twitter(X) post. The post hinted at a new cast of characters and a unique visual style.
A November 2023 job listing for a Senior Combat Designer revealed that Guerrilla Games is designing multiple machine enemies to challenge groups of players, strongly suggesting a multiplayer focus. A more recent job posting for a Senior Platform Engineer, seeking experience with "1M+ globally distributed systems," indicates Guerrilla Games anticipates a player base of at least one million for this unnamed Horizon multiplayer game. While an official announcement is pending, this project, developed internally by Sony, appears to be distinct from the now-canceled NCSoft MMORPG.
সনি ইন্টারেক্টিভ এন্টারটেইনমেন্ট (এসআইই) এনসিএসওফ্টের প্রযুক্তিগত দক্ষতা এবং এসআইইর বিশ্বব্যাপী পৌঁছনাকে লক্ষ্য করে এনসিএসওএফটি -র সাথে একটি কৌশলগত বৈশ্বিক অংশীদারিত্বের ঘোষণা দিয়েছে। This collaboration might lead to future expansions of Sony's franchises into the mobile gaming market. While a Horizon MMORPG from NCSoft may not be in the cards, this partnership opens doors for other possibilities.
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Mar 18,2025