Embark on a thrilling point-and-click, hidden object, escape room adventure in Aurora Hills! This captivating game, developed by the creators of Meridian 157, plunges you into the Appalachian Mountains in October 1981. Aurora Hills, once a prosperous town, is now a shadow of its former self, plagued by mysterious disappearances.
Nestled deep within the Appalachian Mountains, Aurora Hills was once renowned for its thriving industry and picturesque landscape. Its natural resources promised a bright future, but a string of disappearances—affecting both residents and tourists—has left the town deserted. As a park ranger, you, Ethan Hill, must investigate these unsettling events, unraveling a mystery that has haunted the community for years. Why the recent surge in disappearances? Why are there no traces of the missing? And most importantly, who or what is behind it all?
Venture deep into the national park to uncover the truth. Explore the rolling hills of West Virginia, gather clues, solve intriguing puzzles, and piece together the secrets of Aurora Hills.
Key Features:
Play as Ethan Hill and solve the unsolved mystery of the Aurora Hills disappearances. Download this free point-and-click adventure game today!
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