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E. Learning World Map Puzzle

E. Learning World Map Puzzle

子ども 3.7.2 11.8 MB ✪ 2.9

Android 5.0+Feb 08,2025


Enjoy Learning: World Map Puzzles! Sharpen your geography skills with this fun and engaging puzzle game. Perfect for casual play, you can aim for the best time and compete on the global leaderboard! Unlock a variety of beautiful map designs in the [Gallery].

Image: Example Puzzle Screenshot

Game Modes:

  • Quick 20: A fast-paced challenge featuring 20 randomly selected major countries.
  • World: Includes all countries available in the app.
  • Region: Focus on specific regions like Europe or Asia.
  • Selection: Choose puzzles based on themes like "Football Powerhouses" or "Olympic Medal Counts".

Important Notes:

  • Due to the puzzle format, some smaller countries may be excluded from certain modes.
  • Country names are displayed using simplified notations.
  • New Master and Maniac Modes: Addressing player requests, these new modes include previously omitted countries. However, only regions with 10 or more internationally recognized countries are included. The number of countries in these modes may change in future updates. Very small countries may still be excluded from modes other than Master and Maniac.

Challenge yourself and learn the world's geography!

E. Learning World Map Puzzle スクリーンショット 0
E. Learning World Map Puzzle スクリーンショット 1
E. Learning World Map Puzzle スクリーンショット 2
E. Learning World Map Puzzle スクリーンショット 3
トピック もっと

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