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Best Dialga Ex Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket

by Simon Mar 17,2025

Best Dialga Ex Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Dialga, a prominent face in the *Pokémon TCG Pocket* Space-Time Smackdown expansion, naturally commands its own deck archetype. Here are some top-tier Dialga ex deck builds to start with.

Pokémon TCG Pocket: Best Dialga ex Decks

Metal Dialga ex

This deck utilizes: Meltan x2, Melmetal x2, Dialga ex x2, Mew ex, Heatran, Tauros, Dawn x2, Giovanni x2, Leaf x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poké Ball x2, Giant Cape x2. Since *Pokémon TCG Pocket*'s Genetic Apex era, Meltan and Melmetal (along with other Metal-type Pokémon) have struggled. Mythical Island offered a slight resurgence, but Dialga ex may finally establish them as a competitive archetype.

Dialga ex significantly improves this deck's consistency. Metallic Turbo allows you to attach two Metal Energy to your benched Pokémon, rapidly powering up Melmetal. Mew ex and Tauros act as counters, also benefiting from Metallic Turbo's Colorless Energy compatibility, enabling faster setup while attacking with Dialga ex.

Dialga ex/Yanmega ex Combo

This deck includes: Dialga ex x2, Yanma x2, Yanmega ex x2, Tauros, Mew ex, Professor’s Research x2, Poké Ball x2, Pokémon Communication x2, Giant Cape x2, Dawn x2, Leaf x2. While Yanmega ex excels in Grass-type decks with Exeggutor ex, it surprisingly complements Dialga ex due to its Colorless Energy requirement. Yanmega ex's Air Slash inflicts 120 damage, capable of one-shotting many opponents, despite the energy discard penalty easily mitigated by Dialga ex.

Dialga ex's Metallic Turbo makes it versatile, fitting into various Colorless decks. While Yanmega ex is a strong partner, experimenting with other Colorless attackers like Pidgeot or Pidgeot ex is worthwhile.

These are excellent starting points for building Dialga ex decks in *Pokémon TCG Pocket*. For more gaming tips and information, check out The Escapist.

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