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Top Sam Wilson Captain America Decks for Marvel Snap

by Alexis Mar 26,2025

Top Sam Wilson Captain America Decks for Marvel Snap

Much like Hawkeye before him with Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Captain America is getting outshined by his successor, Sam Wilson Captain America, who’s headlining the February 2025 *Marvel Snap* season. Here are the best Sam Wilson Captain America decks in *Marvel Snap*.

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How Sam Wilson Captain America Works in Marvel Snap

Sam Wilson Captain America is a 2-cost, 3-power card with an ability that reads: “Game Start: Add Cap’s Shield to a random location. Ongoing: You can move Cap’s Shield.”

Cap’s Shield is a 1-cost, 1-power card with an ability that reads: “Ongoing: This can’t be destroyed. Give your Cap +2 Power when this moves to Cap’s location.”

The intentionally vague wording regarding which Captain America it buffs means it enhances both the Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers versions by 2 each time it lands in their lane. This can lead to Sam Wilson quickly scaling up to 7 power.

Sam Wilson is one of the more involved cards in *Marvel Snap*, synergizing well with 1-cost cards, move cards, and Ongoing decks. It even evades Killmonger. However, Red Guardian and Shadow King can counter it by removing buffs from Sam Wilson or Captain America.

Best Sam Wilson Captain America Decks in Marvel Snap

Sam Wilson, much like Hawkeye Kate Bishop, adds to the crowded 2-drop slot in many decks. He fits seamlessly into a Wiccan list that dominates the meta, as well as an Ongoing Zoo build. Here’s the Wiccan list:

  • Quicksilver
  • Fenris Wolf
  • Hawkeye Kate Bishop
  • Iron Patriot
  • Sam Wilson Captain America
  • Red Guardian
  • Rocket Raccoon and Groot
  • Gladiator
  • Shang-Chi
  • Enchantress
  • Wiccan
  • Alioth

[Click here to copy this list from Untapped.](https://untapped.gg/)

This deck is packed with Series 5 cards like Fenris Wolf, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, the season pass card Iron Patriot, Red Guardian, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, Wiccan, and Alioth. If you haven’t kept up with season passes and lack Fenris Wolf, Wiccan, and Alioth, skip this deck. If you have those cards, you can replace Red Guardian and Rocket Raccoon and Groot with other 3-cost cards like Cosmo, Mobius M. Mobius, or even Galacta Daughter of Galactus.

Playing this deck requires patience, as you aim to counter your opponent after setting up Wiccan. The key is deciding whether to keep or drop priority on the final turn. Dropping priority lets you hit multiple cards with Enchantress or Shang-Chi, while maintaining priority allows you to snipe your opponent’s plays with Alioth.

Sam Wilson enhances this deck by offering a strong 2-cost card that scales quickly and provides flexibility through locking lanes, allowing you to move the shield later and play another card.

You can also include Sam Wilson in Spectrum Zoo lists. Here’s my recommendation:

  • Ant-Man
  • Squirrel Girl
  • Dazzler
  • Hawkeye Kate Bishop
  • Sam Wilson Captain America
  • Marvel Boy
  • Captain America
  • Caiera
  • Shanna the She-Devil
  • Kazar
  • Blue Marvel
  • Spectrum

[Click here to copy this list from Untapped.](https://untapped.gg/)

This list features Series 5 cards like Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Marvel Boy, Caiera, and Gilgamesh. Marvel Boy and Caiera are essential. You can substitute other Zoo-friendly cards such as Nico Minoru, Cosmo, Gilgamesh, and Mockingbird.

While Zoo-style decks have slightly fallen out of favor, they remain strong, especially with Marvel Boy and Squirrel Girl combinations. Caiera is crucial in countering Killmonger in mill-style decks.

Sam Wilson adds versatility to this list, benefiting from massive buffs from Kazar and Blue Marvel. With Spectrum's additional buff, Cap’s Shield can become a 5-power, 1-cost card that repeatedly boosts both Sam Wilson and Captain America, while also enhancing other Ongoing cards.

Is Sam Wilson Captain America Worth Buying the Season Pass?

If you enjoy Zoo-oriented decks, Sam Wilson is a good investment at the season pass's $9.99 price. However, if Zoo isn’t your style, there are plenty of other strong 2-cost cards like Jeff, Iron Patriot, and Hawkeye Kate Bishop that can replace Sam Wilson in meta decks. Given the high cost of keeping up with *Marvel Snap*, skipping Sam Wilson is understandable if you’re not willing to spend.

And those are the best Sam Wilson Captain America decks in *Marvel Snap*.

*Marvel Snap is available to play now.*

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