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Color Music Hop Ball Games

Color Music Hop Ball Games

音楽 5.16 78.4 MB ✪ 5.0

Android 6.0+Feb 07,2025


Experience the thrill of rhythm and music with Dance with Rhythm of Music! This EDM dancing game is perfect for lovers of magic tiles and music tile games. Enjoy the fun of hopping musical balls along a dancing road, keeping time with piano beats and other musical styles. This EDM rush magic tiles game is a fantastic way to relieve stress while enjoying your favorite music with immersive 3D ball games.

EDM Dancing: Magic Beat is a fiery musical experience! Play your favorite music, hopping magic tiles with fireballs in 3D. Start the music and match the beat to navigate the magic tiles. Dance with Rhythm of Music offers an exceptional music ball game experience, perfect for any time. Choose your favorite music and dancing road, then play this piano tiles music game and see how far you can go.

The gameplay of EDM Rush: Magic Tiles Hop is incredibly engaging and addictive for music and ball game enthusiasts.

EDM Dancing Piano Beat Shot 3D: How to Play:

  1. Touch, hold, and drag the ball to make it jump on the tiles.
  2. Avoid missing the tiles!
  3. Levels are designed to match the rhythm.
  4. Simple one-finger operation makes it easy to start playing.

Beat Hop: EDM Piano Fire is a must-have game for music lovers! It's completely free! Download EDM Rush: Magic Tiles Hop and share your feedback.

Color Music Hop Ball Games スクリーンショット 0
Color Music Hop Ball Games スクリーンショット 1
Color Music Hop Ball Games スクリーンショット 2
Color Music Hop Ball Games スクリーンショット 3
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