"Baby Shopping Supermarket"—a new parent-child app—transforms your child into a shopping expert! Launching this summer, this app simulates a real-world supermarket experience, complete with realistic shopping scenes, diverse products, and tons of fun.
Your child can freely explore the supermarket, placing characters throughout, and shopping from a customizable list. Welcome to the Baby Shopping Supermarket! Enjoy shopping with a wide variety of categorized goods!
Explore Different Sections: The app faithfully recreates an offline supermarket, featuring over ten product counters: groceries, fresh produce, clothing, toys, and more. Everything from chocolate and nuts to cookies is organized just like a real store. This helps children learn to categorize items and recognize their names, colors, and other details.
DIY Cooking Fun: Little chefs can bake cakes! Choose a sponge cake (chocolate or ice cream), then decorate it with delicious cream. It's a fun way to learn about cooking!
Dress-Up and Decoration: Kids can dress their characters, selecting outfits and shoes. They can even decorate the supermarket itself!
Become a Repair Expert: Children can play the role of repair experts, fixing damaged counters and cleaning to keep the supermarket spotless.
Checkout Experience: The app provides a complete shopping experience, including weighing, labeling, and packaging loose fruits and vegetables. Simple math problems, like "Vegetable is 2 yuan, cake is 8 yuan, 2 + 8 = ?", are integrated into the checkout process.
Mysterious Lottery: After completing their shopping and receiving a receipt, kids get a raffle ticket for a surprise gift at the service counter!
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