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New Folder Games Releases Two Sandbox Adventure Sims I Am Cat and I Am Security

by Isaac Mar 01,2025

New Folder Games Releases Two Sandbox Adventure Sims I Am Cat and I Am Security

Experience the chaotic joy of feline mischief in New Folder Games' latest release, I Am Cat, now available on Android! Previously a VR hit on Meta Quest, PlayStation, and Steam, this sandbox adventure simulation lets you live the life of a delightfully destructive kitty. Following closely on the heels of last week's I Am Security, this is New Folder Games' second mobile sim.

A Cat's Life in I Am Cat

Explore Granny's house, a sprawling playground brimming with breakable objects, pilferable snacks, and endless opportunities for mayhem. Scratch the furniture, topple vases – Granny might disapprove, but a cat's gotta cat!

Beyond the simple destruction, I Am Cat offers an engaging adventure. Complete quests, uncover secrets, and participate in mini-games like basketball and mouse-chasing. Feeling brave? Even a showdown with Granny is on the cards!

The game expands beyond Granny's domain, letting you explore a town map, a garage, and a butcher's shop. Interact with neighbors, encounter a dog, and generally wreak havoc. See the trailer below and download the game from the Google Play Store.

A Look at I Am Security

In I Am Security, you're the bouncer at a trendy club, the gatekeeper deciding who enters and who's turned away. Keep the riffraff out! Guests will try various tactics – some polite, some sneaky, some downright infuriating – to gain entry. Use your tools (metal detectors, scanners) to maintain order and spot suspicious items. Check out the gameplay below and grab the game on the Google Play Store.

Don't forget to check out our coverage of The Bear, a new visual story game with hand-drawn animations and a heartwarming narrative.

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