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Unveiling The Division 2's Latest Season: Burden of Truth

by Jack Mar 27,2025

Unveiling The Division 2's Latest Season: Burden of Truth

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 has officially launched its third season of year six, titled "Burden of Truth." This season beckons agents to immerse themselves further into the gripping narrative, embarking on a quest to find Kelso across Washington, D.C., guided by her enigmatic clues. As players progress, they'll uncover more about Lau's recruitment journey and the mysterious "Cassandra" mission, adding depth to the storyline.

A highlight of this season is the introduction of the Rogue Momentum system, which revolutionizes combat dynamics by promoting aggressive playstyles. Players can build momentum by defeating enemies and accomplishing combat objectives. While standard kills provide a small boost, the momentum meter surges with critical hits, skill combinations, multi-kills, and the elimination of elite foes. As momentum builds, players gain access to enhanced abilities, including faster movement, quicker reloads, increased damage output, and heightened firing rates. At its peak, the Overcharge feature activates, significantly reducing ability cooldowns and allowing for relentless action.

Alongside the revamped combat mechanics, "Burden of Truth" introduces new weaponry and gear to the arsenal. Players with the Warlords of New York DLC and Year 1 Pass benefit from an expanded inventory, gaining 50 additional slots. Standout additions include the exotic SMG Oxpecker and the tactical Exodus gloves. The season also introduces two new brands, Refactor and Shiny Monkey, offering innovative gear options. Named weapons such as the Rusty Classic RPK-74 and Goalie FAL come with unique talents, enabling players to fine-tune their builds to their preferred playstyle. Available across all platforms, Ubisoft is keen to gather player feedback to enhance future updates.

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