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Vigilant: Manage Resources, Survive Endless Apocalypse

by Brooklyn Jan 10,2025

Vigilant: Burn & Bloom: A Nuanced Take on Elemental Conflict

This new endless survival game, currently in soft launch on iOS, tasks players with maintaining equilibrium between fire and water on an alien world threatened by fiery elemental beings. Players assume the role of the Sentinel, an underground guardian spirit awakened by a mysterious meteorite.

The gameplay involves managing and, when necessary, subduing these elemental creatures to prevent them from consuming the planet. This isn't a simple "kill-em-all" scenario; balance is key. The Sentinel periodically retreats to their "Batcave" (as the developers charmingly call it) to upgrade abilities and strengthen powers.


A Subtler Approach to Elemental Warfare

The classic fire-versus-water conflict is often portrayed as a straightforward battle of good versus evil. Vigilant: Burn & Bloom offers a refreshing twist, presenting a more complex and nuanced relationship between the elements.

While the core gameplay still involves the satisfying action of blasting fire elementals with water orbs, the game's emphasis on ecological balance sets it apart. This subtle shift significantly enhances the overall experience.

A worldwide iOS launch is scheduled for December, with an Android release planned for Q1 2025. Stay tuned! In the meantime, check out our review of the recently-released Dungeon Clawer – a unique blend of UFOs, rabbits, and revenge!

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