Band Piano: Your Mobile Band in One App
Band Piano is an Android application designed for phones and tablets, bringing the sounds of a full band to your fingertips. This app features four virtual instruments: electric guitar, bass, drums, and synth. All instruments are playable via a virtual keyboard.
Key Features:
Technical Specifications:
Included Rhythms:
The app includes a selection of pre-programmed rhythms, easily activated and deactivated via on/off buttons in the menu.
Custom Song Playback:
Import and play your own songs while simultaneously playing any of the instruments using the "OPEN" option.
Record Your Performances:
Sing along and record your performance using your device's microphone. Simply press the "REC ON" button to begin recording your vocals and keyboard playing.
What's New in Version 31.0 (Last updated December 2, 2023):
This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Update to the latest version for the best experience!
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