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All Paradox Pokemon (Ancient and Futuristic) In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

by Olivia Mar 19,2025

All Paradox Pokemon (Ancient and Futuristic) In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet introduced Paradox Pokémon, a fascinating twist on regional variants. Unlike simple regional forms, Paradox Pokémon offer futuristic and ancient versions of familiar creatures, significantly expanding the game's roster. Let's delve into these unique additions.

Every Paradox Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

These unique Pokémon are unlocked after completing the main storyline and venturing into Area Zero. Pokémon Scarlet features ancient Paradox Pokémon, while Pokémon Violet boasts their futuristic counterparts. Ancient Paradox Pokémon possess the Protosynthesis Ability, boosting their highest stat by 30% under Sunny Day. Futuristic Paradox Pokémon, on the other hand, utilize the Quark Drive Ability, providing the same 30% stat boost in Electric Terrain. Their unique abilities and powerful stats have made them highly sought-after in competitive battling, adding depth and excitement for both seasoned and new players alike.

Below, you'll find a complete list of each Paradox Pokémon, their types, and the original Pokémon they're based on.

All Ancient Paradox Pokémon

PokémonType (Primary/Secondary)Original Pokémon
Great TuskGround / FightingDonphan
Scream TailFairy / PsychicJigglypuff
Brute BonnetGrass / DarkAmoonguss
Flutter ManeGhost / FairyMisdreavus
Slither WingBug / FightingVolcarona
Sandy ShocksElectric / GroundMagneton
Roaring MoonDragon / DarkMega Salamence
KoraidonFighting / DragonCyclizar
Walking WakeWater / DragonSuicune
Iron LeavesGrass / PsychicVirizion
Iron CrownSteel / PsychicCobalion

All Future Paradox Pokémon

PokémonType (Primary/Secondary)Original Pokémon
Iron TreadsGround / SteelDonphan
Iron BundleIce / WaterDelibird
Iron HandsFighting / ElectricHariyama
Iron JugulisDark / FlyingHydreigon
Iron MothFire / PoisonVolcarona
Iron ThornsRock / ElectricTyranitar
Iron ValiantFairy / Fighting Gardevoir & Gallade
MiraidonElectric / DragonCyclizar
Iron BoulderRock / PsychicTerrakion

This concludes our overview of every Paradox Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet!

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