by Ellie Mar 01,2025
Command | Move | Description |
Triangle/Y | Standard Attack | Spirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. The direction of Spirit Blade I and II is adjustable via the analog stick. |
Circle/B | Thrust | Follow up with Circle/B for a Rising Slash. |
R2/RT | Spirit Blade I | Spirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick. |
R2/RT x 4 | Spirit Blade Combo | Spirit Blade attacks consume the Spirit Gauge. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick. |
Holding R2/RT | Spirit Charge | Fills the Spirit Gauge, enabling Spirit Blade attacks upon release. Charge duration determines attack power; a full charge unleashes a Spirit Roundslash. A red gauge grants invulnerability during the Roundslash. |
Triangle/Y + Circle/B | Fade Slash | A backward slashing attack; direction is controlled via the analog stick. |
R2/RT + Circle/B (During Combo) | Foresight Slash | A mid-combo attack with significant invulnerability. Consumes the entire Spirit Gauge, but landing it after a dodge fully refills it. Chain into a Spirit Roundslash with R2/RT. With an empty gauge, the effect is reduced; with a red gauge, follow up with a Foresight Whirl Slash. |
R2/RT + Triangle/Y | Spirit Thrust | Lowers the Spirit Gauge (White or higher) but chains into a Spirit Helm Breaker. Follow up with a Spirit Release Slash when the gauge is red. Cancel Spirit Helm Breaker with Square/X. |
R2/RT + Cross/A | Special Sheath | A special sheathing action. |
(After Special Sheath) Triangle/Y | Iai Slash | Automatically refills the Spirit Gauge briefly after Special Sheath. |
(After Special Sheath) R2/RT | Iai Spirit Slash | Counterattack that raises the Spirit Gauge by one level when timed correctly with an enemy attack. |
L2/LT + R1/RB | Focus Strike: Unbound Thrust | Effective against wounds. Hitting a wound/weak point unleashes a slash attack, increasing the Spirit Gauge. The number of wounds destroyed determines the gauge increase. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick. |
四個三角/y高架斜線迅速填充了精神儀表。這使Spirit Blade攻擊能夠升級儀表。 R2/RT壓機的四個鏈,降落了最終的Spirit圓形,最大程度地提高了儀表的增加。
最大的精神量規允許固定組合:三角形/y circle/b triangle/y(深紅斜線,上升斜線,深紅色斜線)。這在造成損壞的同時保持位置。
Spirit Helm Breaker會造成最大的損害,消耗當前的精神量表水平。事先使用深紅色斜杠。在精神推力和精神掌舵破壞者之後,R2/RT執行了精神釋放斜線,以實現高速,高傷害輸出。團隊合作簡化了這個組合。
對傷口的焦點攻擊賦予每個傷口的一個精神量規水平。多個傷口允許即時紅色量規。即使有一次傷口,重點罷工,然後是精神刀片組合和Spirit Blade Roundhouse,也會立即增加儀表。
缺少塊,速度是關鍵。 IAI精神削減反擊攻擊。使用特殊的鞘(R2/RT和Cross/A),時間是敵人攻擊的時間,然後按R2/RT進行IAI Spirit Slash。這在懲罰怪物的同時避免了損壞。
本指南涵蓋了 Monster Hunter Wild 中的長劍精通 *。探索逃避現實的更多遊戲幫助。
*Monster Hunter Wilds可在PlayStation,Xbox和PC上使用。