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How To Use the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds: All Moves and Combos

by Ellie Mar 01,2025

Master the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds: A Comprehensive Guide

The Monster Hunter series shines, in part, due to its diverse weapon arsenal. This guide focuses on mastering the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds, providing a path to victory.

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The Long Sword offers a blend of speed and power, adaptable to various playstyles. Its chained combos and counterattacks provide both offensive and defensive capabilities.

All Long Sword Moves

Triangle/YStandard AttackSpirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. The direction of Spirit Blade I and II is adjustable via the analog stick.
Circle/BThrustFollow up with Circle/B for a Rising Slash.
R2/RTSpirit Blade ISpirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick.
R2/RT x 4Spirit Blade ComboSpirit Blade attacks consume the Spirit Gauge. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick.
Holding R2/RTSpirit ChargeFills the Spirit Gauge, enabling Spirit Blade attacks upon release. Charge duration determines attack power; a full charge unleashes a Spirit Roundslash. A red gauge grants invulnerability during the Roundslash.
Triangle/Y + Circle/BFade SlashA backward slashing attack; direction is controlled via the analog stick.
R2/RT + Circle/B (During Combo)Foresight SlashA mid-combo attack with significant invulnerability. Consumes the entire Spirit Gauge, but landing it after a dodge fully refills it. Chain into a Spirit Roundslash with R2/RT. With an empty gauge, the effect is reduced; with a red gauge, follow up with a Foresight Whirl Slash.
R2/RT + Triangle/YSpirit ThrustLowers the Spirit Gauge (White or higher) but chains into a Spirit Helm Breaker. Follow up with a Spirit Release Slash when the gauge is red. Cancel Spirit Helm Breaker with Square/X.
R2/RT + Cross/ASpecial SheathA special sheathing action.
(After Special Sheath) Triangle/YIai SlashAutomatically refills the Spirit Gauge briefly after Special Sheath.
(After Special Sheath) R2/RTIai Spirit SlashCounterattack that raises the Spirit Gauge by one level when timed correctly with an enemy attack.
L2/LT + R1/RBFocus Strike: Unbound ThrustEffective against wounds. Hitting a wound/weak point unleashes a slash attack, increasing the Spirit Gauge. The number of wounds destroyed determines the gauge increase. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick.

The Spirit Gauge

The Spirit Gauge is the Long Sword's unique mechanic, boosting damage potential. Higher levels mean greater damage, with maximum level altering basic attacks into powerful follow-ups.

Attacks on the monster charge the gauge. Spirit Blade attacks and the Spirit Roundslash or a Focus Strike increase its level. A red gauge's duration extends with a Spirit Roundslash or Spinning Crimson Slash, as it depletes over time.

Damage increases:

  • White – 1.02x
  • Yellow – 1.04x
  • Red – 1.1x

Long Sword Combos

Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Combos

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Mastering these combos transforms you into a high-damage dealer.

Spirit Gauge Filling/Leveling Combo

Four Triangle/Y Overhead Slashes rapidly fill the Spirit Gauge. This enables Spirit Blade attacks to level up the gauge. A four-chain of R2/RT presses, landing the final Spirit Roundslash, maximizes gauge increase.

Crimson Slash Combo

With a maxed (red) Spirit Gauge, basic attacks become Crimson Slashes. Three Triangle/Y attacks execute a swift, high-damage combo.

Stationary Combo

A maxed Spirit Gauge allows a stationary combo: Triangle/Y + Circle/B + Triangle/Y (Crimson Slash, Rising Slash, Crimson Slash). This maintains position while dealing damage.

Long Sword Tips

Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Tips

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Maximize damage output with these strategies.

Spirit Charge

Holding R2/RT initiates Spirit Charge. A full charge unleashes a Spirit Roundslash without the chain, instantly boosting the gauge. Charge in safety.

Spirit Helm Breaker/Spirit Release Slash

The Spirit Helm Breaker delivers maximum damage, consuming the current Spirit Gauge level. Utilize Crimson Slashes beforehand. After a Spirit Thrust and Spirit Helm Breaker, R2/RT executes the Spirit Release Slash for high-speed, high-damage output. Teamwork simplifies this combo.

Free Spirit Gauge Levels

Focus Strike attacks on wounds grant one Spirit Gauge level per wound. Multiple wounds allow instant red gauge status. Even with one wound, Focus Strike followed by a Spirit Blade combo and Spirit Blade Roundhouse instantly increases the gauge.

Countering with Iai Spirit Slash

Lacking a block, speed is key. The Iai Spirit Slash counters attacks. Use Special Sheath (R2/RT and Cross/A), time the enemy attack, and press R2/RT for the Iai Spirit Slash. This avoids damage while punishing the monster.

This guide covers Long Sword mastery in Monster Hunter Wilds. Explore The Escapist for more game assistance.

Monster Hunter Wilds is available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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